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This YouTube event is created to educate MCNs
to be wise advocates in the upcoming 2024
general elections.
On this occasion, we presented a formal yet simple design concept with YouTube's color accents, highlighting the key visuals of the theme: Road to Election. We also provided dynamic lighting accents.
33 days
Concept, Layout Plan, 3D Design, Production, and Installation
Jakarta, Indonesia

For the Photobooth, we merged the key visual concept with YouTube template elements, combining them to create a set that makes guests feel as if they are inside Road to Election themed YouTube video.
Additionally, we provide several pop-ups and illuminated YouTube icon props.

Production and Installation by VERSHOME
Creative Director Roni Timothy
Lead Designer Travis Tandy
Project Manager Nicole Herman
Designer Rochelle Chen
Graphic Designer Jennifer Christi
Photo Fine Project
Photo Edited Fine Project, Rizaldi Putra
Event Concept and Organized Big Tree EO
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